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A strong community of podcasters

If you want to go quickly go alone, if you want to go far then go together.


We are a community of experienced podcasters with a combined decade of experience. We are here to work with you on getting the most out of your show when it comes to audio quality, growth and monetization. Made up of a team of full-time podcasters, we know what it takes to grow an audience, be consistent and the best ways to monetize a podcast. 


Whether you have been podcasting for years or if you are just starting out, we have a lot to offer you. 

Professional Audio Editing

When you join the network you can opt in to our editing service. All editing is preformed by an industry professional who formerly worked in the Nashville music scene. With us taking care of the editing you will have better audio quality than most other podcasts, and you will be free to focus on actually podcasting rather than editing.

Learn Monetization

One of the hardest parts of taking your podcast to the next level is monetization. How do you find sponsors? How do you set prices for your ads? How do you negotiate contracts? We have been there, and we will coach you through the whole process. 

Advanced Analytics

Gain access to incredible analytics that will help you understand what makes your show successful. Break down things such as listener locations, the time of day your listeners tune in, download trends, unique listener numbers and so much more. 

Growth Strategy

When you join us you get access to all of our industry experience. We know where all the potholes are, so we can help you avoid them. We know what it takes to have a sucessful podcast and we will work with you to ensure your show is a success. 

Monetize Your Back Catalog

With dynamic ad technology your entire backcatalog is open to monetization. We will set this process up for you and work with you on ad optimization - so you can get the most out of your ad slots. 

Easy Monetization

When you join our network you will gain access to spotify's network ad program. As soon as your show is approved you can begin running ads on your show. These ads work similar to youtube ads, in that they will automatically run on your show so you can focus on what you love to do - create great content.  

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